Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Time For Change

I hate change, it just never seems to be for the better but as 2009 approaches I feel I need to reevaluate my life and make some serious changes! I don't love the idea but nevertheless it needs to be done. I am going to try and put a lot of thought into my resolutions this year but I have already decided a couple of things and think I had better share. First, I need to move. I have really liked my apartment and my ward but it is time, I have had mostly really good roommates in this apartment but it only takes one for me to take drastic measures (moving my large amount of belongings to a new home). I have made some wonderful friends in my ward but this semester just hasn't quite felt right and I don't know why really. I am looking for something a little more homey, so not an apartment, hopefully a home ;) Second, I have been lazy long enough I am need to be working on going back to school. Yesterday I signed up for an independent study course through Weber for a ridiculously large amount of money. RIDICULOUSLY LARGE! but if it gets me where I need to be I guess it will be worth it, right? Third, ... Fourth, ... Fifth, ... Sixth, ... Seventh, ... Eighth, ... Ninth, ... Tenth, ... and so and so forth TBD!!! One of those resolutions will include being a better blogger!!!!!


Jodi said...

I am ESPECIALLY excited for the better blogging resolution! You can do these things Hil! I believe in you!

Marie said...

Congratulations on making resolutions. Sometimes I think I am too afraid of failure to really express mine. You have inspired me to quit being such a doof about it, and make some goals and actually REACH them! Hooray! Happy New Year!

Lauren Jayne said...

Oh man I know the feeling...change has been knocking on my door too. Good luck as you press forward with new plans and resolutions. I'm all for the blogging one!! Keep us posted on your plans!

Rolene and David said...

Cool resolution! Hard to do though, good luck. I have fallen into a baby coma, things have been crazy, I've been sick, the baby has been gassy, but things are starting to resolve themselves, then I can actually go outside and maybe even shower! So where are you moving? Have you already found a house? I will call you soon, hopefully! Happy New Year!